User guide – Instructions
Heating / Heating – Living room
Model: Hudson Reed Vitaly Guide d’utilisation / notice chauffage Hudson ReedConvertible sofa / Convertible sofa – Made Haru
Video presentation : Sofa Presentation User guide / Convertible sofa instructionsCombi Four / micro-onde – IKEA SMAKSAK
Video presentation Presentation – Four Combi oven user guide / instructionsMachine à café Dolce Gusto / Dolce Gusto Coffee machine
Modèle: Infinite Dolce Gusto Video presentation Presentation – Dolce GustoRadiateur / Heating – Salle de bain / Bathroom
Model: VIPERA VESUVIO with VIPERA programmable box VIPERA radiator user guide / instructionsRadiateur/ Heating – Chambre / Bedroom
Model: Nobo – Bali User Guide / Notice Nobo RadiatorChauffage d’appoint / Auxiliary Heeating
Model: Delonghi HFX65V20 User guide / Instructions for ceramic radiator Delonghi fr Instructions for ceramic radiator Delonghi enHot Water Programmer

If you run out of hot water, the hot water timer in the bathroom is “OFF”. Press the “ON / AUTO / OFF” button until the programmer indicates “ON”. By default, the programmer is “automatic” (heating during the night and at the end of the afternoon).
Wood stove / Wood Stove
Video presentation : Presentation – Stuv 6 66 For information, the lever in the center of the stove allows you to adjust the power of the stove (to the right for more power). For information, the lever in the center of the stove allows you to adjust the power of the stove (to the right for more power).How to start a fire with compressed briquettes? / How to light a fire with compressed briquettes?
Here is a picture of ideal placement of wood briquettes with a fire starter. Here is a picture of ideal placement of wood briquettes with a fire starter.